Q: Hi,
What's the best way to let out frustration?
screaming on the inside
A: Dear Screaming on the Inside,
This is another question that has different solutions for every person. When some people get frustrated, it makes them feel better to do something that uses a lot of energy, like running or screaming or breaking things. Other people would rather do an activity that's relaxing for them, like cooking, drawing, or reading. Still other people like to talk to people or write letters to themselves basically complaining about whatever's frustrating them. I would recommend doing something that's harmless to you or anyone else. I enjoy reading when I'm frustrated because I can get lost in the character's problems instead of my own, which usually helps mine seem less problematic. I have a friend who punches walls when she's frustrated, which is something I wouldn't recommend, because her knuckles are often swollen or bloody and she can hardly move her hand. Another friend of mine just runs as far as possible until she collapses and then she isn't thinking about anything but sleeping, and another friend listens to what he calls "angry music", which calms him down and distracts him from what's bothering him. Some people are lucky enough to be able to calm down simply by breathing deeply and counting. Some people just drive around for a while. You just have to experiment to see what helps you best.
Dear Noisemaker Wannabe,
You could try memorizing a poem and reciting it to yourself whenever you're frustrated. You could also draw pictures in crayon, tape them to a wall, and throw wet marshmallows at them.
-Fiddlesticks the Defenestrator
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