Sunday, January 29, 2006

The saddest thing in the world

Q: What is the saddest thing in the world?


A: Deer Sad,


E-L-L-E ^_^ :D

Dear Sad,

The saddest thing in the world is something that we at the board dislike discussing because it is different depending upon your values. Do you like kittens? If you do like kittens, I suggest you look at a kitten and think aloud, what is the most awful thing I can do to this kitten? Then tell the kitten the most awful thing that could happen to the kitten. Then tack onto the end of whatever it was a boiling vat of tears taken from the eyes of a widow who had just seen her husband die, into which this kitten's remains (if it is dead it will just be a corpse) will be cooked and served. If you don't like kittens, imagine it was you... or your child. Now cry.


Dear Sadistic,

My favorite pencil broke. I wept for days. Thanks for reminding me of such a traumatic experience. *sob*

-Fiddlesticks the Defenestrator

Dear Sad,

I didn't get this question until after E-L-L-E did and I'm answering it only because I saw her looking VERY sadly into the eyes of a porcelain doll she has on her desk saying, "Mr.Puffer" with an occasional sniff and a wipe of the eye. SO! In retribution I suggest you imagine the worst memory you have from childhood and focus, hard.

-Lucky Aaron


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At 6:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How would you know if you're in love?


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