Q: What's the difference between Republicans and Democrats and Libertarians? If George Washington were alive today, what would he be? (The more opinions on this one, the better.) Thanks! I like your blog!
- Konfuzzled in KonneKtiKut
A: Dear Kant Spel,
Ugh. I hate politics. And if George Washington were alive today, he would be really old.
-Fiddlesticks the Defenestrator
Dear That's-a-Great-Word,
Democrats/Liberals are all for big-government controlling your everyday life and all sorts of welfare programs and "protect everyone's rights except for white males".
Republicans/Conservatives prefer small government which stays out of their business. Usually more religious and family oriented and more made up of white males.
I'm not so sure about Libertarians. Someone else knows, though, so I can leave them out.
George Washington would be Republican because he likes his country. Democrats are constantly bashing America. Plus he's a white male.
-The Sane One
Dear Something with Ks and Zs,
Libertarians are kind of in between Republicans and Democrats, but they're not Moderates. That's something else altogether. Republicans want government to protect people's rights. Democrats want government to take care of them. Libertarians want government to lay off. Since Washington placed a great deal of importance on people's rights, but not to the point where there was no government, I think he would be Republican, but I'm a little biased because I'm Republican myself.
Dear I've never heard of that state,
What do you mean "if Washington were alive today"??? I AM Washington! Worship me!
Dear Oh It's You,
He'd probably be very disappointed that our country is allowing itself to get ripped apart by all these political arguments and he'd become an Australian or something.
I've had what some people call a "rough life" - dad left, no money, mom couldn't handle it, etc. I am finally away from it all. Part of me wants to talk about my past. I crave sympathy. But sometimes I feel guilty about the pity-seeking and wonder if that will make it worse. When I get sympathy I usually keep talking to get more sympathy. Can you get addicted to sympathy? Part of me wants to move on, but I don't know how.
Oh where, oh where, can my baby be? The Lord took her away from me. She's gone to heaven so I've got to be good so I can see my baby when I leave this world.
The person who previously commented seems to have a more important question than mine that demands a more urgent answer than mine- but I'd still love one!!
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