Collej, yo
Q: Yo man, wuzzup yo!?
Jus' a wundrin' what collej be acceptin' me. I ain't got no GDE o' wuteva that thin' be, nor no High Skool Surtificat thin', ya know what I'm sayin'? Couldn' get inta Dminyun Busnes Skool o' nothin'. I got dis grate job a McD's 'dough. Yo, brother, any help is 'ppreciated, yo.
Dubble Jee Man
A: Dear GG,
Well, you could always be a gangster.
Dear Jee,
Most (but not all) community colleges will accept people who don't have a GED. But if/when you apply, I would try not to overuse the word "yo" there. However, be sure to think it through. College might not be your thing. Think about this: what can you do with a college diploma that you can't do without one? Get higher-paying jobs, right? But would you enjoy the kinds of jobs you need a diploma for? Do you really want to be a biologist, a translator, a historian, or a chemical engineer more than you'd want to be a construction worker, a burger-flipper, or a Wal-Mart employee? Sure, it sounds more intelligent to say "I'm a microbiologist" than "I flip burgers", but what if you really enjoy your McDonald's job? We need burger-flippers and janitors just as much as we need scientists (if not more). In my opinion, the world needs less science and more McChicken sandwiches.
-Fiddlesticks the Defenestrator
Dear Double G,
I like Mickey D's.
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