Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Get Rich Quick

Q: What is the quickest, easiest, most dependable "be the richest person in the world" scheme?

My Smallest Regards,
Sir Richy Richalot of Caviar, Maryland

A: Dear Caviar,



Dear Sir,

Invent money.

-Fiddlesticks the Defenestrator

Dear Richy,

Get plastic surgery so you look exactly like Bill Gates, then kill him off and pretend to be him.


Dear Richy,

Make up a name like "Sir Richy Richalot of Caviar". You can't possibly not be the richest person in the world with a name like that.


Dear Maryland,

my dad sed he gotted rich frum hiz job at wurk. ^_^ hee sed hee iz rich in monee and familee. :D that iz wut hee tolded mee. ^_^ hee wurks at howm soooo may bee yoo kood too? ^_^

E-L-L-E ^_^ XD


That's just what we need more of! RICH people! OH YEAH! WHY NOT? IT's a foolproof plan! Lets make EVERYONE rich then our ECONOMY WILL FLY, YES F-L-Y FLY DOWN THE TOILET! OH well done sir WELL DONE! I hope the next time you try to get rich a bus hits you and makes you regret every dollar you sucked from the poor people who just wanted to have a CHANCE at getting up in the world. Well done, sir Rich, well done for making our poor one million dollars poorer!

-Expantastic ONE


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