Q: Why are people so into spectator sports? I love to play sports, but watching someone play a game of football is as interesting as watching someone play chess. And golf? Why is there a golf CHANNEL? And everyone gets so worked up like it is the end of the world if they don't win! -- Loves Tag and VolleyballA: Dear You're It!,
This sounds more like a rant than a real question, but I made a list, and here's what I came up with:
1. People are either too lazy or too lousy to play themselves, so they just watch instead.
2. If people are watching other people play instead of playing themselves, they're free to criticize and say how much better they could do it because they don't have to prove that they really can do better.
3. Some people don't have lives, so if their team loses a game, these poor saps lose their identity.
4. People get an adrenaline rush from watching a game if they really get into it.
5. People like screaming at players, whether it's in the stands or at a TV screen. It makes them feel better.
6. Games distract people from their real-life problems.
7. People are worried that they'll either lose or get hurt if they play themselves.
8. Golf was invented for old people who are addicted to watching sports but can't handle the action involved in "fast-moving" games like football. There's a golf channel because playing a game of "organized golf" takes a lot less planning than playing a game of "organized football".
9. A few people go to football games just to watch their son play, or their daughter be a cheerleader, or their other kid playing in the marching band, or their other kid be a mascot, or just to be with their friends.
10. I like chess. Shut up.
Dear luvs,
Golf izunt thee end uv thu wurld. It iz closs thow. The end uv thu wurld reevolvz urownd ay big bol geting hitted reel hard bi a big stick kald a klub. That iz much lieek. Golf. Riet?
E-L-L-E ^_^ XD
Dear Linear Typical Ventricies,
E-L-L-E has a good point. Golf rules the world secretly behind our backs. Each and every thing has a relation to this astoundingly simple yet impressively impossible sport. The very balance of physics is tested and shaped by the intricacies of the game. A man uses a rod of a given element (usually an iron) to move a spherical object of another element across a terrain of varying hights, depths, widths, and textures. If a man attempts this sport without the proper authority and destroys the laws of physics in a single swing, the fabric of the universe could be destroyed. We need that channel to make sure we keep the world in balance.
Dia Grahm